Tom Cruise

1999 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 1 - Tom Cruise & Su Pollard - the gender pay gap

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Today's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.


2988 days ago

My Oscar Winning speech in full

We can safely say that I will never win an Oscar but just in case I do I have penned my winning speech already. It is not long but I think captures all the points one needs to make.

I thank you all most sincerely in selecting me from this all white short list. I am not worthy and have only won becuase you are all racists. None the less
